International Woman's Day - 2022
Prajaahita Foundation, in connection with the International Women's Day, is honoring the women with disabilities - who have become an inspiration to various spheres of the society. We invite entries from the public, on women with disabilities who have reached the mainstream of the society with their own sheer motivation and hard work, those who have taken part in the growth of the society irrespective of their physical or psychological disabilities and became a different message in the society with their passion and talents.
The uniqueness and genuine achievements will be honoured based on the
given categories
Young achiever
Women with disabilities
who are 30 years and below
and unique in
their career
Women influencer
Those who have contributed their skills and dedication to the society with their passionate achievements.
Excellence award in arts and sports
Women with disabilities who have marked names on arts and sports

Entrepreneur Award
Women with disability Entrepreneurs
Who can apply?
Women who are or above 18 years and belong to any disability listed below can apply for the award
21 disabilities mentioned in Rights For Persons With Disabilities Act - 2016 (RPWD Act - 2016)
How to apply?
Once you finish reading the details and guidelines. Make sure that you have checked the list of disabilities given above.
Personal details- Name, Age, Contact number, category, Disability and Recent Achievements, etc to be filled in the form
Reach out to us on +91 9288038782 or info@prajaahita.org for queries.
Evaluation Criteria.
The selection of finalists will be based on the two-stage evaluation process of the profiles submitted.
The winner of each category will receive cash prize and certificate.
General information.
The final date to submit the application is February 26th ,2022, Friday
The results will be announced on March 08, 2022 , Tuesday
What is minimum age to volunteer?We prefer people who are 20 years old.
Will my schedules be flexible? / How many sessions would I have to take per week and what is the duration of one session ?Yes. Arrangement of schedule is done by your program coordinators. They will help you to plan the sessions. We are happy to make the sessions flexible according your informing to us beforehand. You can communicate with the program coordinators and let them know your time and content. We are planning 5 classes in one week for 21 days. Duration of each session will be 45 minutes.
Will this commitment affect my work-life balance?No. It won’t affect your work-life balance. The proper preference and selection of time and content will help you as well as the children. You can inform the program coordinators during emergencies and they will help you to compensate what children miss on that day.
Will I be given training before the beginning of the program?Yes , the volunteers will be given adequate training on reading skills, classroom management skills, class room etiquettes and code of conduct.
How many sessions make one cycle?21 sessions make one cycle. We are planning five sessions in one week for month. Duration of each session will be 45 minutes
How many students do I have to help during the completion of one cycle?We try to keep the student-mentor ratio to 2:1 as it would help us give individual care and attention to every child attending our program. Each volunteer can choose a maximum of 2 kids per cycle , if a volunteer has availability at more time slots he can apply for more , if a volunteer wants to help more than two students , he would have to go approach the Everreaday team before giving out extra time slots.
Can I volunteer if I am not from Kerala/Outside Kerala?You can. We will identify children who are good at the language you can accommodate. However, english is a must. Being proficient at more than 2 languages can be a brownie point.
What education qualifications should I have to become a volunteer?Minimum education qualification to apply for the volunteer program is graduation. More than your educational qualification, we would love to see the enthusiasm and passion to get involved in helping the kids and having a fun time with them.
How is the selection process/criteria for the volunteer program?The volunteers can apply through the Everreadday page on our official website www.Prajaahita.org or contact us at 9539320475.
What will be my commitments after becoming a volunteer?More than seeing the program as a commitment, we urge you to see this as a fun activity for both volunteer and the kids where they both get to interact, engage and do activities on reading and learning together, helping in the constant of the child.
What are the benefits of being a Everreadday volunteer?Helping the young generation by supporting children, their parents and the teachers. Reducing the unwanted stress of children, providing judgement-free training, orientations to identify and reshape your own skills. Ultimately you will be able to manage a portfolio. You can manage your speaking and analytical skills as well.
How many hours should I conduct the classes? Can I go for short sessions in a day?Each session would be 45 minutes. You can first understand the capacity of the child you are interacting with, according to the speed of comprehension and reading you can also split the sessions into two 20 minute sessions. If you guys need more help, Prajaahita team is always here to help.
I don't read a lot but my language is good. Can I apply for the program?Yes you can. As long as you are confident that you can help the child to improve his reading ability and comprehending skills, you can apply for the program. The selection of the volunteers will be done only after an interview.
How am I doing the reporting and documentation of details?Documentation and reporting procedures will be hassle free and volunteers can count on us to help them along the way so that they can put their complete effort to make the sessions fun and interactive.