Discover the Artistry
"Celebrating talents beyond impairment"
Music Talent Hunt
Prajaahita is excited to launch its talent search 'Discover the Artistry' as part of the anniversary month celebration. 'Discover the Artistry' is an online talent search to find the musical gems among the differently-abled community.
The applicants to the talent hunt will be featured on the social media pages of Prajaahita. The winners will receive cash prizes and an opportunity to attend an exclusive music workshop by industry professionals.
Who can apply?
Age limit: 30 Years
The talent hunt is solely for persons with disabilities.
How to apply?
Record a live video of the performance of duration not more than five minutes. Send the recorded file in a commonly used video format (preferably .mp4) via mail, WhatsApp, or share as a Google Drive link. Details to be sent along with the video file — Name, Age, Contact number, Location/City, and Disability Type. The last date for submission is September 30, 2020.
Evaluation Criteria
General information
The entries will be judged in two categories — vocals and instrumentals. The entries will be evaluated based on the performance in the video and the engagements received on social media posts.
Performance (70% weightage) — The entries will be judged by industry professionals.
Engagements (30% weightage) — Likes and shares on the official entry, which is posted on the social media pages of Prajaahita.
The results will be announced on October 8, 2020.
The artists can choose to perform any genre of music.
Our focus will be on the performance rather than the aesthetics of the video.
We look forward to hearing your original voice. Hence, please refrain from using any apps to modify your original voice